Quinto Básico



Convivencia escolar

Self Care & Well Being

Identity & Life Project

Spirit of Service

Nombre Unidad

Descripción Unidad

Back to School! - We Accept Everyone's Differences

This unit intends to help pupils adapt to the School rules and routines promoting bonding inside the classroom between pupils and the teacher enabling optimum learning. It helps pupils understand the importance of creating a caring community full of unique individuals and active learners that understand conflict provides opportunities.

Digital Education - Cyberbullying

This unit aims to demonstrate the importance of relationships in people's happiness and the importance of being empathic to recognise problems in order to motivate oneself to act against aggression.

What is Happening to Me?

This unit wants to help pupils identify the main changes experimented during puberty, including physical, cognitive, and emotional aspects. It promotes self-knowledge, encourages to understand the process and helps to identify it as a normal part of their lifespan. It also gives strategies to cope with their pubertal changes and enhances the bond and communication with parents.

Getting to Know Myself - Value Yourself

This unit aims to guide pupils in the process of vocational orientation and to help them become trustworthy and useful people to the world.

I Make Smart Choices

The purpose of this unit is to help pupils develop self-control and learn how to resist peer pressure, presenting a first and specific approach to the prevention on the use of tobacco at young age.